Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back and Unpacked

It is amazing that we are back from vacation and only have two days until we leave for Russia! The vacation went quick(as they always do) but it helped to pass the time until we leave for Russia. What is amazing is that I have completely unpacked and almost done with the laundry! I have to give credit to the kids for unpacking all their things( with some probing) and for my wonderful husband for doing laundry while we were gone(along with cleaning the house!!). Wednesday will be paperwork day, running errands, paying bills and gathering up all the things we have to pack. Thursday will be packing day. 

I have this nagging feeling that I have forgotten something and it is driving me crazy. If I forget something minor, ok; but what if I forget something major? We had a problem last week while I was gone with some additional paperwork that Russia wanted. They said that our homestudy had an error in one of our addresses and that we needed an addendum before we go back. Now, what I thought was strange in that we had already been there and there was no mention the first time. We, along with CHI, can not find an error but if they want an addendum, we will give them an addendum. The good thing is that the homestudy will now be good for another year and we would have had to renew it when we got back anyway. Speaking of papers expiring. Almost all our dossier will expire in September(except fingerprints and I171) so when we return, I will be  shoulder deep in paperwork.

So here is what I have:

airline tickets - done
travel insurance - done
hotel for Moscow - done
hotel in Astrakhan - CHI does
airline tickets to Astrakhan - CHI does
visas - here and correct
get homestudy apostilled - will arrive on Wednesday an then do
New crisp money - have some, need to get more
Get Skype working with Mom's PC - do Wednesday
Run errands - Wednesday
Gather all my paperwork - Wednesday
Pack - Thursday

It is hard to believe that we will be back in Astrakhan in just a few days and hopefully meeting the children that will soon be ours. Please pray for safety and wisdom in making our decision and just an overall peace for myself. I hope to post before we leave. Blessings to all.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Blessings on you both as you travel tomorrow. I will also say a prayer for you and your two little ones as you meet and decide whether or not to become a family.

Can't wait to hear more....how excited you must be and nervous too as you finish packing today.