Tuesday, September 7, 2010

She is officially a Canestraro!

I will try to keep it short today, Russ said I had too many words and not enough pictures. To my defense we had problems down loading one of the cameras so we did not have much to post.
The first three pictures are at the Civil Affairs office and then a few more of Sophia and her big brother!

Highlights of the day: we went to the Civil Affairs office to make the adoption official. SHe is our daughter according to the Chinese government. Now we just have to get her visa from the US and once she touches American soil, she will be an American Citizen!!!
There was some other running around and we were able to get her finding ad: this is a picture they posted in the paper after she was found searching for her birthparents. THe only real baby picture we will have of her.
We spent most of the morning running around in the car but unfortunately Yanzi( which is what we are calling her now) is very car sick. I thought she was getting worried about where we were going but when the guide asked her - she said she was getting sick. She did well for awhile, but then got sick(thankfully I was prepared), then she fell asleep in my lap. This was actually a blessing because she was asleep when we stopped back at the orphanage.
You could tell she did not feel good moat of the day, she did not eat lunch and was pretty spaced out most of the time. When we finally ate dinner, we were at a buffet. I asked her what she wanted and she did not want anything so I got what I thought she would like, including Jello( always good for a upset stomach). SHe ate some and did drink a lot. After we got back to the room, she was back to her old self. Playing with play dough seems to be her favorite thing. She has finally let Russ hug her, under the influence of a bribe but he will take what he can get.

THe funniest moments: Her first english word she learned the first day at lunch ... SUGAR. And now it is the only english word she will copy and she says it so adorably.
Tonight the most hillarious things was that she was trying to tell us something in Chinese, Dominic interupted her and without a hesitation she said something to him in Chinese and gave him the hand. She definetly knows how to hold her own.

Tomorrow we will do a little sightseeing. TIme for baths BYEBYE


Howard and Kim said...

I'm loving all the words. Maggie is loving the pictures! Thankful all is going well!
Kim H.

Craig and Phyllis said...

I think God was so good to have her asleep when you were back at the orphanage! How cool was that?!!

Do you think her car sickness will translate into flight sickness, too? Better find some dramamine. : )

Love how she is treating Dominic like a sister will do.

Julie said...

Ahhh!! The pictures are adorable! What a special time!

. said...

I have just been in tears everyday as I read your blog. It is all just so wonderful! I'm so happy for all of you. Thanks for the great pictures, too!

Kyley, Greg, and Grace