Friday, August 27, 2010

God's Special Gift to a Frantic Mom

Well this past week has been busy busy to say the least. The kids started school so it was a little hard to get on schedule but I have to say I have been getting a lot more done for our trip with them in school. But the hardest part is the emotions that are going through you. I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep because my mind is racing. I am excited to go, scared to death for Sophia and already starting to miss my kids. Most of the important things are taken care of but still waiting for the actual TA to be in our hands and paranoid that the carrier will loose somewhere.
So yesterday when I checked one of my yahoo group postings and saw "Lu Xin Yan" I just about jumped out of my skin! To try to make a long story short, there was a wonderful woman who went to China in July to get her little girl. She had pictures from her daughters birthday party in China and was smitten by the little smiling girl beside her. She inquired about her when she went to get her daughter found out her name(Lu Xin Yan) and has been praying for her to get a family. Well she finally decided to post on the Tianjin Families yahoo group. Fast forward, she has sent me PICTURES of our little girl that are from late May along with what she knows. I was above cloud 9 yesterday( and still today). Just seeing her gives me such a peace, a peace that only God can give.
Thank you Lord for your wonderful surprise!
So here are my favorites:

Isn't she just beautiful!!!
Back to packing!


Craig and Phyllis said...

Oh my goodness, I've got goosebumps reading your post, and I'm nearly in tears. She is simply beautiful!!! What a great God we have! Such a blessing for you guys.

Howard and Kim said...

She is beautiful. And her smile still pulls me right in... We're so anxious for you to bring your girl home!

. said...

If I remember correctly, you are leaving today! I've thought about you all day. I pray for safe travels and a wonderful visit in everyway! I'll be checking your blog to keep up to date.

Kyley, Greg, and Grace

Anonymous said...

Praying for you today!