Thursday, June 24, 2010

And the List Gets Smaller - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
One more approval down! Yes yesterday, I called our officer at the USCIS and we are approved and the letter got sent out. Hopefully we will have or letter in a week as will the National Visa Center, who will then cable our stuff to China. We are getting there! Not many more steps left on my check off sheet. As the time is getting closer to travel, I am getting things all ready. Our house is pretty much ready for 5 children! I purchased booster seats last week. And this week I dug out my packing lists from Russia and started listing what I need to buy. I am hoping that we get to travel in August( probably late August) so I know we will be all ready to go. However, will Sophia be ready?
I don't really even know if she knows she will be getting a forever family. The last update we received were measurements in March. I have not heard anything since we sent the care package to her. I wrote a letter to her foster family, and provided a way for them to respond, but nothing. I don't know if she knows what is going to happen, let alone understand it. So, even though I have been praying for her since I saw her face for the first time, I have been stepping up the storming of heaven.
And I ask you to help me. At the top of my blog, I will be adding a little prayer (I will try to keep it little) that I ask all our readers to pray when they come to our blog. That way there will be many of you lifting her up in prayer over the next few months. I thank you for helping Sophia this way and I know God will respond in a might way!


Craig and Phyllis said...

I just reread my journal from the early morning hours before we met our boys. It is still vivid in my mind the fear and insecurities that were raging through me. But God kept taking me back to the verse Mark 4:40 "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" He is leading you and Russ to Sophia, AND He is preparing her for you!! We are praying for all of you. Seems like things are moving very well.

Mark & Kris said...

When we were waiting to travel for Samuel I prayed daily, several times!!, that God you just give him dreams/visions of our family so that when he saw us he would know us. I even prayed that he would somehow hear our voices in his dreams, like a baby does in his mother's womb. I know that may sound weird, but I know God can do all things!! And I have to say, Samuel came right to us with no fears!! He did seem to know who we were. I willl pray for your sweet Sophia!!!

Patti said...

I also remember the unknowns and wondering how Alex was feeling or if he even knew anything was going to happen. I will pray for Sophia and you and your family as you take these last few steps. I pray that the Lord's peace would cover all of your thoughts and wonderings, and Sophia's as well.