Friday, June 20, 2008

Right Decision

In communicating across the world, you often find out more details at a later time. Later this week after we decided to move on with a new referral, our case worker tried to get more information. We found out that both the Department of Education officials and the prosecutor's office suggested to our CHI rep that we not pursue the adoption of these children. They said that the family was against the children leaving Russia and even if they did not get to adopt them, their desire to have the kids stay in Russia would have been enough to have a judge deny our adoption. Even though this was frustrating to hear, we do feel more at peace with our decision and won't be seconding guessing it for the rest of our lives.

I just want to take a second to thank our case worker Arati. Today is her last day at CHI and we wish her well in all that she does. Thanks so much  for being part of our journey.

With all that being said, we are ready to move forward. We hope that focusing on the future will help heal the past.

1 comment:

John and Shelle said...

Monica and Russ. We are sad to hear of what has happened with your adoption. We hope all goes well according to God's plans and you bring back your next referral very soon. John and Shelle