Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Yes!! We are finally DTC(Dossier to China)! It is on its way to China and I will be watching it through our tracking number. We are now in the hands of the Chinese government as we wait for them to log in our dossier(LID) and then approve us(LOA). It will be about 2 weeks for LID and then 2 months for LOA but I have been seeing a hand full of people receive their LOA in 41-47 days so we are hopeful.

We also sent a care package to Sophia that was suppose to reach the orphanage last Friday. We used Lady Bugs and Love from Above. They were great. Here is what we sent her:

It took me awhile to send this because one of the things you get to send them is a letter which they translate for us. It was so hard to write that letter, I wanted to say so many things but at the same time was unsure of how she will be feeling since she is in a foster home. I ended up writing it more to the Foster family and also sent many questions that I pray they will respond to( We also included a return envelope to Lady Bugs and Love - which they will translate and send to us). We also sent a photo album with pictures of our family. I told Angela that I was not sure if she would get this because she was in a foster home but she told me that her orphanage is very good at forwarding the packages onto the foster family and very quickly. So I was very hopeful after that news.

I did have to chuckle at the doll. Here I have been buying every asian doll that I set my eyes on so that she will have dolls that look like her and the doll that is purchased in China is caucasian!

So the wait begins!!


Amy said...

My daughter, Madeline, absolutely loves the Disney movie, "Mulan". We own the DVD and she has a Mulan "Barbie" doll. When my husband traveled to China for work, Madeline was pretty convinced that he was going to visit Mulan :-)

What an exciting time for your family!! Hope your wait time goes quickly.

Patti said...

Congratulations on the dossier being sent to China! One step closer - I hope the waiting goes by quickly.

Craig and Phyllis said...

Wow, I missed that yesterday! Congratulations!! Can you believe that it is finally there in the governments hands?!! So excited for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful news!