Sunday, December 27, 2009

Let It Snow!

Yes it is snowing! Yea! and no work or school tomorrow - even better. It may be a few days late for Christmas but that is ok. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Our's was pretty un- eventful and relaxing.
We spent Christmas Eve day with my parents and brother's family. So Christmas day was just at our home. My parents came over for awhile( so I actually got dressed for them) but the rest of the house stayed in their PJ's all day and just played.
It was interesting to see how Micah was going to deal with this Christmas. Since his birthday was 8 months ago, I was not sure if he would get the whole present thing. I was pretty sure he did not get it when Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he enthusiastically said "A CANDY CANE!"

So he did get a candy and many other presents but the excitement of anticipation that you see with most kids was not there yet. He would wait patiently as each child had their turn to open a present, would calmly open his present, and then again calmly state what he got and would ask us to take it out of the box. Normally I would say that it was just overstimulation but when he gets overstimulated, he starts bouncing off the wall, he does NOT sit calmly and go into shut down mode. So I am not sure if it was just a difference in dealing with overstimulation or that he just does not get it yet. Well, we have 4 months to build up anticipation for his birthday, and he has already asked when we are going to open more presents!

I do have to say that there was a little bit of my heart that was sad because their is part of our family that is not with us yet. Thinking of what she was doing, did she understand or even celebrate Christmas, was she happy? So many questions. We now have all our homestudy documents completed and will hopefully have our first homestudy visit very soon - getting one step closer!

Here is our beautiful crew ready for Christmas! We are so blessed! And Luc did not get his two front teeth for Christmas!

I ran across this poem from another blogger and thought it was so true and wanted to post it.

The Call

Every call has a beginning,

a quiet moment when God whispers

a promise to a mother's heart.

A holy place where a father bows and faithfully

accepts the journey set before him.

A miraculous morning that unexpectedly dawns...

casting its first light on a chosen threshold.

A gentle knock...a closed door opens.

A sacred invitation sent by the Father leads

to the other side of the world where lonely

heads stare out orphanage windows praying for

someone to care.

And then one morning, on an ordinary day, an

orphan's life changes...God sends them a

second chance...through you.

Author Unknown

Here is to a wonderful New Year and many more children finding their forever families!


Patti said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. You must be getting the snowstorm we had in Minnesota on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We got about 12 inches - happy shoveling! I am so excited to hear about Sophia! Congratulations and I pray everything falls into place so you can get her home soon!

Mark & Kris said...

So glad you had a wonderful Christmas! I understand having a part of you sad knowing part of the family isn't present. Our little guy is still waiting for us in Taiwan and we missed him terribly. We haven't met him physically, but somehow God has grown him in our hearts and we missed his little presence. We are waiting for our rulings to come. Praying for a speedy process for you and next year both our little ones will be home for Christmas!! Happy New year!

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