Saturday, August 29, 2009


Yes, that is the 64 million dollar question, or should it be the 64 million times a day question! We have now offically entered the "why" period. When he first started asking, it was great, he was progressing and hitting another milestone. But after a week, I was ready to move on out of that phase. I try to do my best to answer the question that he is asking but after about 5 whys in a row, there is no real answer left to give except " because " or " because I say so". So when I turn the question back to him - his response now is "because I say so". Such a great example I am.

The other major hurddle we are trying to cross is the potty training. I was utterly amazed when we started. I stripped him down, since it was early summer, but we still stayed in the house, and he immediately would stop what he was doing, even in the midst of playing, and go over to the potty( for both one and two!)!! It was great but getting him to do the same thing with his pants on was a whole other story. Needless to say we are making progress by the end of the summer but he won't quite have it by the time preschool starts - but hey - Progress!

Things are really going well over all and I have to say that I am really blessed. The biggest problem we still deal with is overstimulation, especially in new areas. He just loses all control and runs around having a great time but being disruptive to others. I am really praying that his preschool teacher has great patience because preschool will be so challenging for him to focus for while.

The end of summer was great, we went on our yearly visit to King's Island amusement park and had a blast. (King's Island will always be a little different because our trip last year was the day we got our court date!) We made some money at our garage sale and then just tried to enjoy what time was left. We also had our one year post placement visit( wow it is almost a year since GOTCHA). Our social worker was amazed at how well he was doing and could not believe his speech - she could actually understand him. I remember a time when I thought there would never be a day when we would understand what he was saying - to those who are there now - it will come, it will come.

It is sad to have the kids back in school and I miss them so but I look at it as great time to complete all the projects that need to be done. And now that the weather has considerably cooled in the past week, it does feel like fall is on the way - Oh how I love the fall!
Here are a few pictures of the end of our summer.
SLiding down Grammy's water slide

Look at the BIG Tractor Wheel!

MY absolute Favorite picture of Micah!

How cool am I!

Finally I get to DRIVE!

We all love Scooby Doo and so does Micah, even though it doesn't look like it.

My beautiful kids.


Craig and Phyllis said...

I love the picture of the kids at the end of your post! I remember you sending an email that you had received your call for the court date! That is a special picture!! So are all the others, too, though! : )

I bought a coffee cup when Ryan was in the 2's stage and we hit the "Why's". It had the word why scribbled in shaky handwriting all over the cup. Then in large solid letters it had "Because I'm your mother, and I said so!"

Patti said...

Great pics - looks like everyone was having fun! We have potty problems here too from time to time. (Alex just turned 4.) In fact, just this afternoon, Alex had to help me wipe up his accident on the garage floor. It sounds like everything went well for your postplacement report - yes, it's amazing how they can acquire the English language after only a year! Alex runs wild at various places as well - I guess we have a lot in common. I haven't found a good way to deal with it, because holding his hand is like trying to hold onto a slippery fish!

Amy said...

Great pictures!! Looks like you had a nice time enjoying the last little bit of summer. I can't believe it is already September!