Saturday, August 14, 2010

9 MONTHS and Approaching Our Due Date!!!

Yes, I noticed today on my ticker that it has been 9 months since we first saw Sophia. Wow, so quickly and yet so long. I guess I am now in the last few weeks of "Paper Pregnancy" with the Braxton Hicks contractions( heart stopping every time the phone rings) and Lamaze breathing ( anxiety attacks wondering how I will get through the day waiting for the phone call).
And yes, there has been no TA!!! I was sure that it would be here by now, and I think my agency thought so too but for some reason many TAs for our agency have not arrived so they are thinking that the director is out of town or something like that. Monday was torture for me but by Tuesday I was emailing with another mom waiting too and she was keeping me up to date on what our agency thought so as each day passed I became more accepting that we would not get one this week. BUT we now have a new week ahead of us so I guess I will be starting all over again with hopefully a better result. I am still hoping that we can leave by September 1st but it might be later than that so we will at least be able to get the kids going in school. I have a few little projects to finish up this weekend and then I am ready to pack, hopefully I won't be totally packed before my TA arrives.
Enjoy the sultry hot days of summer!


Craig and Phyllis said...

The end is in sight! Ours was just about 9 months, too. From the Lord calling us in February to court in November, 9 and a half months!

Praying you hear about your TA tomorrow!

. said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you. I keep checking your blog to find out when you have more information.