Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Spending Time with the Kids

What a great day we had getting to meet the kids! Because of their age difference, they are in different orphanages and we had to drive an hour to our precious boy. The meeting went great and he seems very healthy and well adjusted. We had a great time playing with him and he was very inquisitive. By the end of the visit, he was taking pictures of us - they turned out pretty good too!

On the way back, we stop to meet our precious girl but it was right be fore lunch and we only got to see her for about 10 mintues. She is very shy and apprehensive and just stood and looked down almost the entire time. We were hoping it was because she was hungry and that there were many people in the room. We went back later in the after noon. FOr the first 10-15 minutes she just stood there, looked at things but would not pick up or play with anything. After we got out the bubble and with a little coaxing, she would start to try to pop the bubbles. We spent 2 hours with her and by the end, she would let me hold her hand to take her somewhere and even let me pick he up. She seems healthy too and is just so adorable. THey tell us she does talk but she has not for us yet. We are hoping by the end of the week.

So today went very well. We had a problem this evening trying to get in contact with our doctor because of the internet being down but it did get done and we are so grateful. Thank you so much for the prayers, we have been so blessed by God and He is guiding us along every step.

Continue sending the prayers our way - we know that there is NO WAY we could do this and get through this journey without them.


Cori said...

Hi guys. We are so glad to hear you met the kids. It sounds like both 1st meetings went great. God is so amazing to orchestrate everything and to continue to make His plan clear. We are praying for you and ALL the kids!! Love, Kevin, Cori and Caleb

Julie said...

Thanks for sharing your special time. It is so clear that God is using you to bring joy to His kids. Your little kids in Russia and us big kids in Ohio waiting for the next post! Thanks and we continue to pray for you. Julie

Unknown said...

I've been waiting on pins & needles to hear how it went.

Sounds like you are pleased so far, and I am praising God for the good health of the children. (I was praying hard for that.)

Can't wait to hear more tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

HOW exciting!!!!!! I cannot wait to hear more!!!!

Darryn and Jamie said...

Glad your visits went well. So excited to have 2 more Astrakhan kiddos in central ohio! Enjoy the remainder of your time in region. I was glad I did on trip 1: trace feet for shoe size and sightsee/souvenier shop in Moscow, now. It is much harder with scared/shy kids on trip 2 and you may miss out. Continued prayers for you and your family, Jamie